Eoin at Killtullagh Spring Clean

Green candidate wants to stand against pollution

Illegal dumping in the rise in Athenry-Oranmore

Sludge being spread on land near River Clare

Kiltullagh-Killimordaly Spring Clean removes two skip-fulls of illegally dumped rubbish

Eoin Madden, Green Party candidate in Oranmore-Athenry says he has been receiving many calls and emails regarding scandalous illegal dumping and pollution in general.

"Over the past few months, I’ve been contacted by numerous residents in Caherroyan  who were living with foul smelling wastewater flowing into their estate. I contacted the county council Environment section and I identified the company who were working on a site nearby. There was a foul odour and grey water, from an adjacent site, which was seen pooling in the green area of the estate. Parents were telling their children not to play outside. The waste was also flowing along the tarmac, leaving its smell and grey residue in the parking area. It was most unpleasant for the residents to have to live with."

"I understand that the environment section of Galway County Council have taken action in early May. The situation is now much improved and the tarmac has been powerwashed".

"Similarly, I’ve been contacted by residents near Claregalway who say heavy sludge, not ordinary farm slurry, was spread some weeks ago on land near the River Clare. Any of us living in the countryside are used to slurry being spread a couple of times in a year. Its part of rural life. But this sludge was something different. People are worried about the health effects for those living close by, but also the effect on the River Clare. We want to build a river walk along River Clare, how can this work though if the river is treated almost like a sewer?"

"On a positive note, I’m happy to hear that two fines, each for €150, were issued recently for dumping which happened in Kiltullagh by persons from well outside the area. I coordinated the recent Kiltullagh Killimordaly Spring Clean, where with dozens of volunteers, we filled two skips with litter. Much of my weekend was spent pulling plastic out of ditches. Research from the UK shows plastic waste kills thousands of hedgehogs every year, no doubt it is the same in Ireland. "

"The Green Party in Europe, particularly MEP Grace O'Sullivan, is working hard to ban single use plastics at source, but this courageous work is made difficult when the might of the fossil fuel companies and plastics industry are up against you. At home in Ireland, we’ve had the ban on plastic bags and now the deposit return scheme. These contribute to less plastic being produced over time."

"In the meantime, we need more support for local communities trying to fight pollution and waste, and I think a Green would help. We have no Green councillor elected in Galway East, but I aim to change that."